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Email Verification

Many web applications require users to verify their email addresses before using the application. Rather than forcing you to re-implement this feature by hand for each application you create, Formidable provides convenient built-in services for sending and verifying email verification requests.

Database Preparation

Next, your users table must contain an email_verified_at column to store the date and time that the user's email address was verified. By default, the users table migration included with the Formidable framework already includes this column. So, all you need to do is run your database migrations:

node craftsman migrate:up


Formidable provides email verification routes for your application. These routes are automatically added to your routes/api.imba or routes/api.ts files by the RouterServiceResolver.

See Authentication Routes for more information.


Email Verification

To create a custom email verification mailable, you can run the following command:

node craftsman make:mail CustomEmail

The contents of the newely created CustomEmail.imba file will look like this:

import { Mailable } from '@formidablejs/framework'

export class CustomEmail < Mailable

prop subject\String

def constructor

def render
<p> "Hello World"

You can remove the subject prop and constructor method, then import the VerifyEmail mailable from the @formidablejs/framework package and extend it with your custom mailable:

import Mailable from '@formidablejs/framework/lib/Auth/Mail/VerifyEmail'

export class CustomEmail < Mailable

def render
<p> "Hello World"

Next, you can start styling your email.


Formidable publishes layout tags for all of its email mailable classes in the resources/views/mail/vendor directory, you may use these tags in your custom email, or modify the tags instead of creating a new custom verification email.
If you don't see this directory, you may run: node craftsman package:publish --package=@formidablejs/mailer --tag=components,config to publish the tags.

Email Verification URL

To access the email verification URL, you can use the verificationUrl property of the FormRequest instance:

def render
const url = self.request.verificationUrl

<a href=url> "Click here: {url} to verify your email address"